Fiche cheval flash famous

- R2C1

plathandicap 20856sha tin (hong kong)1200M98091mr award handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:00
Non-partants : 12
18fingers crossedH58p5p2p8p8pcurrie l./101:10
27soaring towerH70p6p7p9p2ppurton z./13/4 l
33i giveH55p6p0p7p6pchau c.l./1cte tete
45vamosH62p4p6p8p4pbowman h./11/2 l
513valhallaH66p4p8p5p6pho c.y./1tete
66miraclesH52p8p8p0p7ppoon m.f./14 l 1/2
714little playerH77p9p0p0p2pteetan k./1encolure
84our class actH59p3p5p5p5pbentley h./1cte tete
92brilliant pioneerH55p5p0p0p0pleung k.c./1encolure
101shenzhou twelveH50p0p(22)0p0pmo h.t./11 l
1110nordic combinedH57p0p7p0p4phamelin a./14 l
129flash famousH90p0p0p9p6pyeung m.l./1cte tete
1311bell of victoryH50p0p(22)0p0phewitson l./15 l 1/2
12noir riderH74p6p9p0p0pnon partant/1

- R5C1

plathandicap 23028happy valley1650M98091tsun yuen handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
14charizardH95p4p2p4p2pteetan k./101:39
21happy jai jaiH72p0p5p3p7pleung k.c./11 l 1/4
310medic eliteH52p8p0p7p5pdee m./11 l 1/4
412viva a laH56p7p9p9p5pbadel a./11 l 1/4
57all is readyH50p0p8p0p0pavdulla b./1encolure
69angels hunterH64p4p0p0ppurton z./1encolure
72our creedH70p1p0p4p5pferraris l./11 l 1/2
86valhallaH65p6p6p6p9pcurrie l./1encolure
95ernest feelingH60p1p7p1p4pbentley h./11 l
108flying gallopH40p0p0p0p0pho c.y./1encolure
1111hang's choiceH52p2p3p0p7pchadwick m./13/4 l
123flash famousH90p0p9p6p2phamelin a./13/4 l

- R6C4

plathandicap 24860happy valley1650M130788gwangju handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:15
12invincible missileH88p5p0p9p6pbowman h./101:40
24romantic laosH51p7p8p(22)0ppurton z./11/2 l
39right honourableH96p4p7p0pchadwick m./1nez
411super buddyH60p0p(22)0p0pmo h.t./11 l 1/4
55kyrus unicornH76p9p9p(22)9pchan k.h./1encolure
61gang of brothersH61p1p4p0p8pbadel a./1encolure
76river viewsH57p6p2p4p6phewitson l./1encolure
87v chevaliersH92p3p3p5pde sousa s./11/2 l
98lifeline visionH75p0p4p7pteetan k./1encolure
103win win fighterH50p0p0p0pho c.y./11/2 l
1110starship eightyH48p0p5p6p0pchung y.l./11/2 l
1212flash famousH90p9p6p2p6pwong c./13/4 l

- R6C6

plathandicap 25575happy valley1650M130788on lan handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:15
13eighteen palmsH50p3p2p3pho c.y./101:39
24splendid livingH62p1p4p0pbentley h./11 l 1/4
37beauty missionH67p0p6p5pchadwick m./11/2 l
42holy powerH52p8p3p(22)1ppurton z./1nez
510lifeline visionH70p4p7p(22)0pteetan k./1tete
68happy angelH52p6p3p2p7pbadel a./1nez
71storm legendH57p0p(22)3p5pchan k.h./1tete
86sturdy rubyH43pbowman h./11 l
99joyful geniusH67p5p2p(22)1pferraris l./11 l 1/2
1011noble steedH105p0p5p(22)6ppoon m.f./13/4 l
1112flash famousH99p6p2p6p7pborges v./1nez
125rainbow lightH60p4p0p(22)4phewitson l./111 l

- R2C6

plathandicap 26417sha tin (hong kong)1600M130788united alumni handicap12 partantsdépart à 07:40
Non-partants : 8
19forever folksH50p0p4p(22)0phamelin a./101:36
22owners' praiseH58p1p5p(22)3ppurton z./13/4 l
33dragon delightH54p3p9p(22)5phewitson l./11 l 3/4
410classic archiH57p7p0p0p0pborges v./1cte tete
55thunderboltaurusH56p2p4pbowman h./1encolure
67turquoise alphaH62p0p7p7p5pchadwick m./1tete
76oscar gloryH60p0p9p9pferraris l./1encolure
81darci joyH61p5p2p9pteetan k./12 l 1/2
911flash famousH96p2p6p7pwong c./1cte tete
104eighteen palmsH53p2p3pho c.y./12 l 1/2
8indigenous realmH60p3p4p5ppoon m.f./1
1012smart beautyH40p0p0p(22)9pchung y.l./1ex-aequo

- R2C6

plathandicap 28474happy valley1650M130788sai kung handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:15
13smiling timeH72p3p(22)2p4pferraris l./101:40
27eighteen palmsH53ppurton z./1cte tete
35proud dragonH6(22)4p6p9p8pteetan k./13/4 l
49london luckystarH71p6p(22)2p1pchau c.l./1encolure
511gallant heroH55p(22)3p5p8ppoon m.f./11 l
612flash famousH92p6p7p(22)1pborges. v/1cte tete
78kungfumaster pandaH98p7p6p(22)8pchung y.l./11/2 l
81world famousH70p6p(22)8p0pleung k.c./1encolure
92copartner eraH89p(22)2p7p3pho c.y./1cte tete
104emergingH5(22)8p5p0pbentley h./1encolure
116wind n grassH70p7p(22)6p5pcurrie l./13/4 l
1210regent gloryH64p(22)5p9p8pchadwick m./14 l

- R2C1

plathandicap 28808happy valley1650M98091yuk sau handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
112foxhunter wayH64p6p(22)0p2pho c.y.3.25/101:39
22flash famousH96p7p(22)1p5pbowman h.14/1cte tete
310faithful trinityH96p(22)9p9p7pborges v.27/12 l
44charizardH92p(22)9p8p9pferraris l.5.4/1cte tete
511karuizawaH50p0p0p(22)0ppoon m.f.114/11 l 1/2
65super hornetH50p0p(22)0p0phewitson l.23/11/2 l
77medic eliteH55p5p3p(22)8pchung y.l.7.8/1encolure
89amazing newsH67p1p(22)7p4pyeung m.l.12/1cte tete
96brilliant eightH5(22)0p0p0p0pwong h.n.30/1tete
108our creedH74p5p(22)9p8pbadel a.13/11/2 l
113lucky missileH70p(22)0p7p0pde sousa s.5.15/12 l 1/2
121all is readyH50p0p(22)0p0pleung k.c.19/110 l

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